The FARM Training Center holds a Tactical Shotgun match on a periodic basis to provide a tactical shotgun training opportunity to shooters in a safe, supervised environment to help shooters increase their safe gun-handling skills and practice with their shotguns.
Stages are shot under the supervision of a Range Safety Officer. A timer is used to record the overall time used by the shooter to address the given stage. Penalties in the form of additional time (usually 5 or 10 seconds) are added for targets missed or for procedural errors.
Who can participate: Any responsible, safe shooter who is capable of handling their shotgun without endangering others.
When: As scheduled. Check the current calendar for upcoming matches. Match setup begins at 7:00 AM, sign-in concludes at 8:45 AM. You must be signed in by 8:45 AM. Shooters Safety Meeting starts at 8:50 AM. Participants must be present for safety meeting to be eligible to shoot this match. NO EXCEPTIONS. Shooting commences at 9:00 AM. Feel free to come early and help set up.
Cost: The Match Fee is $32. FARM Training Center Annual Members enjoy a $10 discount. Juniors, when shooting with a participant parent, shoot for $17 (be advised that if a Junior is shooting that person must be fully capable of safely handing their shotgun (i.e loading, shooting, reloading, unloading) without too much parental assistance (verbal coaching is fine). All participants are expected to help with the event by assisting with setup, tear-down, shell clean up, target resetting and score keeping as a non-monetary fee.
Equipment: Any shotgun of 20 gauge or larger, a way to carry extra shotshells (bag, side saddle, wrist band, etc.) eye protection (shooting glasses), hearing protection and a desire to have some fun. Bring 125 shotshells in bird shot sizes (7-1/2 or 8 shot) – more if you typically need make up shots.
- Please note that the range has no running water, power or amenities nearby, so bring what you need for a day out in the sun/rain/wind

- Open really has no limitations, intended for “competition” shotguns
- Limited/Tactical allows a maximum of 9 rounds loaded, intended for “practical” or “tactical” shotguns
- Heavy Metal is for 12 gauge pump guns loading a maximum of 9 rounds
- Hunting Division is for factory produced hunting guns (semi-auto or pump) that load a maximum of 5 rounds
A total of 5-7 stages will be used in the match. The stages are designed to challenge different elements of shooting skills requiring speed, accuracy, ammunition management, and movement. Most stages will require tactical reloading so managing your ammunition is a big factor in how well you do on any given stage.
Other Information
- Targets generally consist of reactive metal targets, clays and steel knock over targets
- Stages typically will require 15-25 shots with make-ups shots permitted for missed targets, unless otherwise noted
- The Range Safety Officer and/or Match Director can answer any questions participants have about the rules
- Scores can be found at
Safety Rules
- Maximum shot size permitted is 7-1/2 shot. This is to assure that no shot will leave the Range during the event
- Occasionally a stage will call for slugs, this will be noted in the match registration and stage description
- The range is a COLD RANGE, which means that all shotguns are unloaded with actions open until you are shooting under the supervision of a Range Safety Officer. The actions of side-by-side and over-under shotguns may be closed while placed in the gun rack
- When engaging the targets, shooters must observe the “180 Rule” which means that loaded firearms must be pointed down range at all times
- When moving between shooting positions, the shooter must have his/her finger outside of the trigger guard
- In moving between shooting positions, each shooter is encouraged to move only at a pace comfortable and safe for the shooter
Disqualification (DQ)
Disqualification means the shooter may not continue in any part of the match, may not reenter in another division, and may not shoot any side matches. The shooter’s score will be reported as DQ. A shooter must be disqualified for the following reasons:
- Unsafe firearm handling as defined in the Safety Rules Section
- Unsportsmanlike conduct
- Violations of the Shooter’s Code of Conduct as determined by the Match Director
- Intentionally discharging the firearm at anything other than a target or an activator
- Having a round in chamber when transporting firearm between stages, through any safe area- basically any time you are not shooting the stage and have been told to “load and make ready
Cancelation Policy
Cancellations made 72 hours or more prior to the match will receive a full refund (minus payment processing fees which the processor does not refund). Cancellations made within 72 hours of the match are non-refundable. Shooting Matches are an investment – not only for the shooter, but also for the hosts and the staff. Each match requires weeks, and sometimes months of administrative and logistical planning. Matches often sell out early, and unexpected cancellations can be very problematic.