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April 22, 2023 @ 8:00 am - April 23, 2023 @ 5:00 pm


A momentous training event unlike any other… this event will be 2 full days of force on force (FoF) training from some of the worlds most respected instructors in their disciplines. After seeing so many serious shooters, who enjoyed and were passionate about training, but had never had the opportunity to participate in any force on force training, we decided that this event must happen. We are brining a curated selection of condensed FoF training available right here to UT, for a weekend that is surely to build and contribute to the defensive mindset and skillset of the serious self defense practitioner. This event is open to professionals, experts and beginners alike.

All training blocks will be 8 hours of training (with a 1 hour lunch break mid day), so plan on full, exhausting days. Each training block will be limited to 12 students, providing a better than industry average instructor to student ratio to maximize the learning potential. Each student will have the opportunity to sign up for 2 x 8 hour training blocks of their choice – registration for training blocks will be offered in the order of registration for the event, so those who commit early will be more likely to get the exact blocks they prefer. That being said, the event has been planned with only the best training available, so all participants will receive great training.

This is a Non-lethal munition based training event using UTM marking rounds and other training weapons (Provided).



2023 Training Block Options

Defensive Scenario Based Training – Craig Douglas – ShivWorks

Craig Douglas has an enormous amount of training and experience exposing students to stressful, relevant, and valuable force-on-force scenarios with trained role-players and hit-marking cartridges. In this block, participants will negotiate blind scenarios and be debriefed on their performances. This is an excellent opportunity to participate in and observe others reacting to active, thinking, moving opponents in real-life circumstances.

[more-reasons text=”More info about Defensive Scenario Based Training”]
Research (military, commercial airlines, medical industry etc) has proven that learning is enhanced when training is realistic. Scenario Based Training (SBT) is an immersive training environment where students meet realistic challenges and get realistic feedback as they progress (or regress), since everything that happens reflects the students choices. Shooting fundamentals are still a vital part of  training, but the use of real-world scenarios is used to also enhance the students decision making capabilities. The training presents situations and circumstances that armed citizens and/or LEOs face everyday as learning experiences.

Participants should be confident in basic shooting fundamentals. The goal of this training philosophy is the accelerated acquisition of higher-level decision-making skills when more than a cardboard target is involved, and there are immediate consequences. Students must apply their subject knowledge, physical abilities, critical thinking and problem solving skills in a safe, real-world context.

(8-hour class)

  • Concepts, techniques, and tactics
  • Force-on-force scenarios
  • Class begins at 0800 and goes until 1700 (with a 1 hour lunch break)
  • UTM Pistol, ammo and face protection are included in the tuition for the course


Vehicle Based Force on Force – Bryan Veliz – SlyTac Training Solutions

Over the course of the year, Americans collectively spent 70 billion hours behind the wheel. Each week, average drivers travel more than 220 miles. Add it up and Americans drive an average of 11,498 miles each year- the equivalent of making two roundtrip drives from San Francisco to Washington, D.C. One who carries a firearm every day for personal protection might want to learn how to use said firearm in and around their vehicle.

[more-reasons text=”More info about Vehicle Based Force on Force”]
The training block is contextualized for the problems an armed citizen might face while inside or near a personal vehicle. Drills and/or scenarios will incorporate weapons employment while engaging threats from, around, over and under vehicles with emphasis on being a prepared, thinking self defense practitioner. Students will learn more about how to avoid and better survive conflicts in and around their vehicles.


  • [/more-reasons]

Knife Control Concepts – Aaron Jannetti – Endeavor Defense & Fitness

A committed knife attack tops the charts of “Worst Fears in Close Violent Encounters” in and out of the self defense training world. Each attack, attacker, and situation is different. Training a one-dimensional defense for knife attacks can leave us ill equipped and with a false sense of security. Learning the concepts and skills to adapt is crucial to being able to survive.

[more-reasons text=”More info about Knife Control Concepts”]
This one day training event will lay a foundation of concepts and training methodology to help you reframe your approach to defending a knife to be more aligned with a dynamic attack.

In short, this training will super-charge your ability to execute your plan for self defense under changing variables.

What you get:

  • One 8-hour training day (8am-5pm with a 1 hour lunch break)
  • Access to the 30-day Knife Control Concepts Stand-Up Online Course
  • Training blade to use during the course and take home with you after the #getlearned event

The Training:

  • On Your Feet – Deep dive into the KCC program, skill building, stand-up control elements, adaptation drills, striking, and implementing these concepts into your current training protocol.
  • On the Ground – Introduction to the initial elements of the KCC Ground program. Practical skill building, adaptation, and how the concepts from stand up apply to training on the ground.

The Promise:

  • You will be given a set of tools and concepts that will greatly expand your understanding of defending against an edged weapon.
  • You will be given the tools to continue training AFTER the seminar to really implement the training.
  • You will have a ton of fun doing it!


What’s included when you register for #GETLEARNED 2023

  • Course tuition (choose 2 out of the 3 available training blocks): 16+ hours of world-class training
  • Lunches for both training days
  • Training weapons & ammunition (as in, you do not need to provide ANY ammunition for yourself during the event)
  • Training blade for you to take home after the event
  • Delegate “swag” bag with goodies & discounts from our sponsors and useful items to use during and take home from the event
  • Premium event t-shirt (choose your size when you sign up)
  • Access to future Pew Pew Solutions FoF mini training events

Instructor Bios

[more-reasons text=”Craig Douglas – ShivWorks”]
Craig Douglas (aka “SouthNarc”) is the founder of ShivWorks, a consortium of like-minded professionals devoted to training and product development in the emerging field of interdisciplinary problem-solving for self-defense. Craig retired from law enforcement after 21 years of service with the bulk of his career spent in narcotics and SWAT. Since 2003, Craig has been teaching globally under the ShivWorks brand and has conducted coursework on entangled shooting skills in nearly 40 states and nine foreign countries. He has taught for federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies, and to three branches of the U.S. military. [/more-reasons][more-reasons text=”Aaron Jannetti – Endeavor Defense & Fitness”]
Self Defense Coaches Hilliard

Aaron is co-owner of Endeavor and has been passionately coaching for twelve years. He holds two black belts in Krav Maga, coaching certificates from The Wingate University in Israel, a brown belt in BJJ, a CFL2 certificate, certifications in Powerlifting, DNS protocols, and over a decade of experience in kali, boxing, kickboxing, kettlebells, powerlifting, firearms, and more. He has taught in three countries, more than 30 states in the US, and published the book How to Survive an Active Killer. His mission in life is to help people to live life to the fullest physically, mentally, and emotionally through coaching and mentorship. [/more-reasons]

[more-reasons text=”Bryan Veliz – SlyTac Training Solutions”]

PictureBryan Veliz began his career as a state law enforcement officer with the Val Verde County Sheriff’s Office in 2012 serving as an active patrol officer for several years. As a Patrol Officer within in his first two years on the field he was assigned as a member of the agency’s Special Response Team where he later was responsible for instructing firearms training and qualifications.

Bryan has attended over several training courses regarding the fundamental’s, mechanics, and safety standards of programs and continues to train every year. Bryan continues to serve in law enforcement in addition to being the founder and lead instructor with SlyTac Training Solutions, LLC before joining forces with Centrifuge Training, LLC as as full time instructor for two years.

While with Centrifuge Training he was responsible as a lead instructor for various programs i.e. VCQB, injured shooter & low light applications along with managing the database and creating or revamping material.

Additionally, Bryan also provided ballistic data collection for TRIARC Systems, LLC in gathering, recording and assimilating data for various weapon platforms.



April 22, 2023 @ 8:00 am
April 23, 2023 @ 5:00 pm
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Pew Pew Solutions
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